About Us

About Us

Christ sacrificed Himself on the cross to build His church, called the body of Christ, with Himself as the head. In God’s infinite wisdom, He established local churches so that Christians could gather, learn His word, be encouraged, and grow stronger. At Westside:

  • We are a local church of Christ, not part of a denomination, but a collection of God’s people in one place, brought together through our joint fellowship with Him.
  • We wear the names Christian (Acts 11:26), Saint (Romans 1:7), Disciple (Acts 13:52) and Child of God (1 John 3:2).
  • Our fellowship is based upon the foundation of Biblical truth, and a lifestyle conforming to God’s good news, the Gospel. We strive to love God with all our hearts and to love our neighbors as ourselves.
  • We acknowledge God as our creator and law-giver. He loved us enough to sacrifice His Son for our salvation. In gratitude, we are bound to comply with God’s plan.
  • The Bible is our authoritative guide, and we reject all human-devised creeds, catechisms and confessions of faith.
  • We do not, and will not, attempt to “modernize” the Bible’s message. God is the same yesterday, today and forever.

If you are weary and confused by changing religious messages, we would like to talk to you about working with us as we try to model ourselves after the Gospel revealed in the New Testament, the only Gospel that saves!